Home Mr. Zombie Manhua Mr Zombie is ending now!

Manhua Mr Zombie is ending now!

Dear cherished readers, the concluding chapters of the Mr Zombie manhua series that you have been following for an extended period. This has been an emotional and adventurous journey, and we want to express our gratitude for your unwavering support throughout.

Lastest chapter 88 of Mr Zombie realease

We will try our best to bring the Mr Zombie series back as soon as possible chapter 88 on manga gg

Mr Zombie

Chapter 88 of series Mr Zombie leak

Until now there is still no information about chapter 88 but you can read from begin series Mr Zombie again while waiting


Here is a little information of this series

Main character of Mr Zombie :

Mr. Zombie

Mr. Zombie is a Trace bodyguard to Cha Mi-ri. His Trace ability is to heal from grievious injuries that would kill a normal human.

Author :

The renowned authors Cao San Mu and 一号奶粉 have carved their names with their creative zeal in the Shounen genre. Cao San Mu, with a unique pen name and unceasing creativity, crafts dramatic stories and distinctive characters that captivate millions of readers.

On the flip side, 一号奶粉 brings a fresh perspective to the Shounen world with profound storylines and intense battles. By combining intriguing plotlines and a unique drawing style, he has won the hearts of readers worldwide.

These two authors have created remarkable pieces of art, immersing readers in unforgettable adventures and reminding them of the power of dreams and friendship. Behind these compelling works, Cao San Mu and 一号奶粉 are not just creators but also a constant source of inspiration for the manga community. of couse Mr Zombie is a sampe

Main Genre


When will the last chapter be released ?

on 29/01/2024 , mangagg will realease news of this series

Where to read spoil about final chapter of series ?

We will try our best to help you read the newest raw on manga gg


Have a nice day ~