Home MANHWA Blackout – A Captivating Supernatural Mystery Manga

Blackout – A Captivating Supernatural Mystery Manga


Welcome to Mangagg, your go-to website for all things manga! Get ready to dive into the captivating world of “Blackout,” a thrilling supernatural mystery manga that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this article, we will take a closer look at the intriguing storyline, the key genres, and the overall rating of “Blackout.” So, grab your popcorn and let’s get started!

Similar Manga on Mangagg

Before we delve into the details of “Blackout,” let’s explore other manga titles on Mangagg that fall under similar genres. If you enjoy supernatural mysteries with a touch of drama and suspense, you might also like these manga:

  1. “Shadowed Secrets” – Uncover the hidden truths behind a series of mysterious disappearances in a small town filled with dark secrets.
  2. “Whispering Shadows” – Follow the journey of a young detective as he investigates a string of supernatural murders plaguing his city.
  3. “Eternal Eclipse” – Immerse yourself in a world where vampires and humans coexist, but a sinister conspiracy threatens to plunge them into eternal darkness.

Feel free to explore these titles for more thrilling adventures!

The Story and Characters of “Blackout”

“Blackout” takes place in a unique era where individuals can view their future through special photographs. These photographs can either reveal a person’s life ten years from now or unveil a blackout, which signifies their impending death. Our protagonist, Yoon Siwoo, is an ordinary employee at a company that develops these future photos. However, his work comes at a haunting cost – he is plagued by nightmares of his clients’ blackouts.

One day, fate presents Yoon Siwoo with an opportunity to change the course of someone’s life. He encounters a little girl whose fate has been sealed by a photo, and he decides to take action. But can he alter a bleak future that seems to have been predetermined?

Main Characters:

  1. Yoon Siwoo – The protagonist and an employee at a company that develops future photos. Haunted by nightmares of his clients’ blackouts, he embarks on a journey to alter fate.
  2. [Name of the Little Girl] – A mysterious little girl whose life is foretold by a photo. Siwoo encounters her and becomes determined to change her future.

Key Themes and Genres:
“Blackout” combines elements of drama, supernatural mystery, and suspense. It explores the themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of altering the future. With its captivating storyline and well-developed characters, this manga will keep you hooked from start to finish.

To read more about the thrilling world of “Blackout,” visit the official page on Mangagg. Prepare yourself for an immersive journey into a world where the line between destiny and choice is blurred.

Remember, Mangagg is your ultimate destination for discovering and enjoying a wide range of manga titles. Stay tuned for more exciting recommendations and in-depth analyses of the best manga out there. Happy reading!